
Discover Trends and Forecasts for the Office Market.
14 February 2023

Discover Trends and Forecasts for the Office Market.

We are excited to announce that tickets are now on sale for the 14th “Polish Office Market – Trends and Forecasts” Conference. This is the oldest and most prestigious conference in Poland dedicated to the office real estate market. Expert practitioners will provide analysis, identify trends, and present forecasts for the coming ...
Professor Andrzej Falkowski to open the conference
13 June 2022

Professor Andrzej Falkowski to open the conference

Professor Andrzej Falkowski is to open our next office conference with a lecture on the field of business psychology. The motivation for and satisfaction from the home office style of work; and what you now need to know to be able to design offices for tenants, conventional offices or offices with open space – the advantages and disadvantages of both from ...
The Polish office market in troubled and uncertain times – what does the future hold?
8 June 2022

The Polish office market in troubled and uncertain times – what does the future hold?

The dust has not yet settled since the pandemic, while the armed conflict in Ukraine, galloping inflation and rising investment costs have all added to the uncertainty – none of which can help when it comes to the stabilisation of the office real estate market. On the other hand, in the first quarter of this year, we saw a few transactions that could ...
Kup bilet 25% taniej
7 March 2022

Kup bilet 25% taniej

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Już 23 czerwca bedziemy mieli okazję podsumować miniony rok w sektorze biurowym i przyjrzeć się prognozom na kolejne miesiące. Rozpoczęcie sprzedaży ...
Registration is open!
10 February 2022

Registration is open!

We are pleased to announce the date and venue of the 13th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook. The conference will take place on June 23rd at the Radisson Hotel in Warsaw. So we are looking forward to seeing you there. Tickets are available on this website by going to the REGISTRATION tab. ...
Back to business as usual – soon!
21 June 2021

Back to business as usual – soon!

Eurobuild’s 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook took place in a time that will be remembered as filled with events that took place exclusively online. This event was no exception and therefore we are very grateful to the guests who accepted our invitation to take part in this virtual meeting, that they found time for us, and ...
Zarządzanie placem boju
15 June 2021

Zarządzanie placem boju

Bardzo chcielibyśmy skupić się wyłącznie na kwestiach nieruchomościowych, ale odkąd ruszyło Euro 2020, od piłki nożnej nie uciekniemy – także zapowiadając kolejną dyskusję, jaka odbędzie się w ramach 12. Konferencji Eurobuildu „Polski Rynek biurowy. Trendy i Prognozy”. W dyskusji o zarządzaniu nieruchomościami ...
Know the score after the big game changer for the office market
15 June 2021

Know the score after the big game changer for the office market

As you may have noticed, the 2020 European Football Championships are now finally underway, after being postponed for a year due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime, Eurobuild has been regularly organising online events featuring experts in particular real estate sectors. On June 17th, our latest conference, dedicated to the ...
Our flexible friends at the Eurobuild office conference
14 June 2021

Our flexible friends at the Eurobuild office conference

The coronavirus has changed the rules of the game of the office leasing market. How are coworkers and flexes coping with the new situation? This will be discussed by panellists at the 12th Eurobuild Conference ‘The Polish Office Market. Trends and Outlook’, which takes place this Thursday! Flexible offices really came into vogue during the ...
The office market gathers for our latest conference
11 June 2021

The office market gathers for our latest conference

Eurobuild’s 12th Office Conference ‘Trends and Forecasts. The Polish Office Market’ is fast approaching! This Thursday at 9:30 am, it will open with a panel devoted to the office development market and the revolution triggered by the pandemic. Among the topics our guests will examine are whether the huge shift towards remote working will become ...
Brainstorm – a new discussion for our online conference
5 May 2021

Brainstorm – a new discussion for our online conference

This last year has been a time of many changes, presenting considerable challenges for every business. In such a situation, it’s best to turn to the sector’s main experts and major players for their opinions and for inspiration, which is why Eurobuild CEE is launching a new online discussion format – on June 17th it will be time for us to ...
The 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends & Outlook has a new date: June 17th
30 April 2021

The 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends & Outlook has a new date: June 17th

We had already got used to the fact that we would be meeting you at our office sector conference in May. However, we would like to inform you that we have been forced to postpone this year’s event – the new date of the conference is June 17th. For those who have already marked this date on their calendars, we kindly request that you update it. We invite ...
10, 20, 30 questions to... Jeroen van der Toolen
28 April 2021

10, 20, 30 questions to... Jeroen van der Toolen

I’m sure we all miss face-to-face meetings, but let’s take a look at the brighter side of the internet. Online events do actually have their advantages, such as their broader reach and the ability to talk to real estate experts from anywhere around the world. Will the online format also work for Eurobuild’s 12th Office Market Conference for Poland ...
Polish office market – before, during and after the pandemic
7 April 2021

Polish office market – before, during and after the pandemic

A year has now passed since the state of pandemic was declared in Poland. Since that time, the office market has had to face unprecedented challenges and has certainly been forced to change course. Let’s take stock of the state of the sector and look to the future at the 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook, which will take place ...
Remote - but with Eurobuild
1 April 2020

Remote - but with Eurobuild

Some situations give us added motivation to do something more… out-of-the-box. The pandemic has prompted us to take steps to ensure your safety while at the same time keeping Eurobuild going – and we hope we will have your support in this. So we are pleased to announce that the 11th Office Market Conference for Poland. Trends & Outlook will take ...
Which way to the office of the future?
4 June 2019

Which way to the office of the future?

What will the office look like in 5, 10 or 15 years’ time? Will office buildings even still be needed? And if so, in what form? “We are already thinking that buildings, after their technical demise, should not be wasted but a source of building material for further projects. Buildings can also be designed in such a way that they change their functions at ...
We Work to come to Kraków
4 June 2019

We Work to come to Kraków

Coworking chain WeWork is to open its first regional branch in Poland in Kraków next year. The news was announced at conference. We Work is also planning to open its first centre in Russia this year in Moscowand in 2020 it is to open in St Petersburg. Also next year the chain is to open in Budapest and Bucharest. WeWork currently has two centres in Warsaw ...
Millennials now revolutionising the workplace
3 June 2019

Millennials now revolutionising the workplace

Millennials now dominate the employment market so sociologist Tomasz Sobierajski, a lecturer at the University of Warsaw, gave a presentation on how this generation is different. Firstly he described how the generations since 1946 are commonly divided up and then briefly discussed each one of them. The baby boomers (born in 1946-1964) are considered ...
Records unlikely to be broken
29 May 2019

Records unlikely to be broken

Are investors still queuing up for assets on the Polish market? According to the first panel of the conference, they certainly are. However, the panellists agreed that the yields for the best office buildings are unlikely to fall to 4 pct. The first panel, ‘Investors Still Queuing Up’, featured Paweł Skałba, a senior partner and director of the ...
Którą ścieżkę wybrać?
21 May 2019

Którą ścieżkę wybrać?

Spowolnienie na rynku biurowym? Czy ono w końcu się pojawi? Czy przyjdzie wcześniej, czy może jednak trochę czasu zostało, by się do niego przygotować? Jak nie dać się zaskoczyć nieuchronnie zbliżającemu się kryzysowi? Cięcie kosztów, wyjście na nowe rynki, czy może jednak zamrożenie inwestycji jest najlepszym działaniem ...
Drobnym druczkiem
15 May 2019

Drobnym druczkiem

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Wynajmujący i najemca to często nie tylko strony skomplikowanych relacji biznesowych, ale też twardzi negocjatorzy, którzy wiedzą, że umowy zawiera się ...
You too can join the panel!
14 May 2019

You too can join the panel!

After the very successful introduction of such formats as ‘10, 20, 30 Questions to…’ and ‘Sparring’, we want to propose another innovation at the events organised by Eurobuild Conferences. This time we would like to give those attending the opportunity to sit on a discussion panel. If you wish to join the panel, all you need to do is leave ...
For all the answers… Magdalena Kowalewska!
9 May 2019

For all the answers… Magdalena Kowalewska!

What have you always wanted to know about the real estate development business but have always been too afraid to ask? Eurobuild Conferences gives you the chance to ask these questions. Magdalena Kowalewska began her career in the real estate sector in 2002 as a property manager at Belgian developer Liebrecht &Wood. Since 2009 she has been employed ...
I work, you work, WeWork!
26 April 2019

I work, you work, WeWork!

WeWork, the global phenomenon of the coworking sector, is to be the Content Partner of the 10th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook organised by Eurobuild Conferences. WeWork was founded in 2010 by Miguel McKelvey, Adam Neumann and Rebekah Neumann. The goal they set themselves from the very outset was to provide working space for ...
The perfect office for recruiting?
12 April 2019

The perfect office for recruiting?

Is this really true? Could location and the working environment be the most effective weapons in the battle to recruit the employees you need? And has the trend for co-working transformed the entire market? The answers to these intriguing questions will be provided by Oskar Kasiński, who has been working in the recruitment sector since 2007 and ...
Great expectations
18 March 2019

Great expectations

There are so many different places you can choose to work in these days: a lively café, a hotel lobby, a quiet corner at home, the co-working space attractive to creative types or even in the traditional office space in a glass tower… but what do the younger generations (and not only them) expect of their workplaces? Are their expectations being met – and ...
Eurobuild CEE’s third ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride
15 March 2019

Eurobuild CEE’s third ‘Suits on Bikes’ ride

The idea for an educational bike ride along the streets of Warsaw is one that has the commercial real estate market has very much taken to its heart. Therefore we have the great pleasure of organising this event for you for the third time. Each time we try to make sure that the discussions during the ride are on different themes. So this year we have decided to ...
About office buildings for the 10th time
6 March 2019

About office buildings for the 10th time

Eurobuild Conferences’ 10th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook is to take place on May 28th. This year we invite you to attend in one of Poland’s tallest buildings, the Warsaw Spire. The event will be held in The Heart on the 38th floor. The high quality of the conference will not only be determined by its location, but, above all, ...
Jesienne spotkanie przy grillu
18 October 2018

Jesienne spotkanie przy grillu

Kiedy możemy liczyć na transakcje inwestycyjne na rynku biurowym przy stopie kapitalizacji poniżej 5 proc.? Jakie są Pana wrażenia po targach Expo Real? W jakiej walucie trzyma Pan oszczędności? – między innymi na takie pytania musiał odpowiedzieć gość specjalny Konferencji Rynku Biurowego Eurobuildu, która odbyła się we ...
Do jednej (biurowej) bramki
18 October 2018

Do jednej (biurowej) bramki

Nie było konfliktu, ale była znacząca różnica zdań – tak można podsumować pierwszy w historii konferncji Eurobuildu sparing między inwestorem i najemcą, który odbył się wczoraj podczas dziewiątej Konferencji Polski Rynek Biurowy – Trendy i Prognozy, zorganizowanej w warszawskim Marriotcie. W szranki stanęli Michał ...
Dlaczego wierzę w wieże...
15 October 2018

Dlaczego wierzę w wieże...

Wieżowce są bardzo efektywnymi inwestycjami. Stoją za nimi pieniądze i prestiż, ale też duże ryzyko. Kiedy gra jest warta świeczki, a kiedy zrezygnować? Dlaczego uwierzyli w wieże, na to oraz pozostałe pytania uzyskamy odpowiedź już jutro podczas 9. Konferencji: Polski Rynek Biurowy. Trendy i Prognozy . W temacie wypowiadać się ...
Eyal Litwin vs Michał Jeziorski
11 October 2018

Eyal Litwin vs Michał Jeziorski

How do young people imagine their future workplaces? What should a co-working office provide and why? Perhaps it isn’t actually any better than standard space? Where should it be: in the city centre or on the outskirts? What should the developer pay attention to when planning workplaces for Generation Z? These are just a few of the questions that will be ...
Face to face with Tomasz Buras
3 October 2018

Face to face with Tomasz Buras

For the first time during a Eurobuild conference the role of discussion moderator goes to… the public. Tomasz Buras, the managing director of Savills, will be faced with the challenge of answering the questions of those at the conference. He started his career at Savills from the position of office department director and currently ...
What does co-working require from a developer?
1 October 2018

What does co-working require from a developer?

Shared offices have been popping up like mushrooms. They are considered to be the future of this particular real estate segment. What kind of requirements do co-working companies have of the space offered by developers and building owners? Maciej Król, the chief growth officer, and Konrad Szaruga, the business development director from Business ...
Regions catching up with the capital
26 September 2018

Regions catching up with the capital

While the Warsaw office market itself continues to grow, it is the regional cities that are exhibiting the most dynamic levels of new supply while maintaining a moderate level of vacant space and strong interest from investors. Experts on the topic – including the head of GTC’s office rental department, Grzegorz Boczek, the director of ...
White collars or servers?
6 August 2018

White collars or servers?

We are pleased to announce that this year’s power speech will be given by Antony Slumbers, a distinguished specialist in the field of digital innovation for the commercial real estate industry. The theme of the speech will be: who or what – people or intelligent software – will be predominantly doing the work in offices in a few years? Antony has ...
27 July 2018

The next Eurobuild Office Market Conference is fast approaching!

The 9th Polish Office Market Conference – Trends and Forecasts organised by Eurobuild Conferences is now less than three months away. This year the event will take place on October 16th – and once again the venue will be the Marriott hotel, at Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79 in Warsaw. At this year’s conference we will discuss trends in the development of ...
Wagging tails in the workplace
11 September 2017

Wagging tails in the workplace

In the USA, Purina has officially allowed its employees to bring their furry friends to work for the past 15 years. The office staff of Purina in Poland have had this privilege since the spring of 2016. According to research by Glassdoor, the #Pets@Work programme has considerably contributed to employee satisfaction and it has improved employee loyalty ...
Make sure you visit the networking area!
15 March 2017

Make sure you visit the networking area!

A special area for exchanging ideas is to be provided at the conference, thanks to the support of Bene – the networking area partner. Bene was founded 226 years ago and is a leading innovator of office concepts on the European market. The company follows closely the latest trends for office work and comes up with solutions for improving companies’ ...
15 March 2017

Offices of distinction

The 8th Polish Office Market Conference – Trends and Outlook might still be seven months away, but it has already gained the support of four companies. This confirms both the current strength of the office sector and that the events organised by Eurobuild Conferences are earning greater recognition. Vastint, which is celebrating its 25th ...
10 October 2016

Nowe siły wspierające konferencję

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Pomimo, że do konferencji pozostało już niewiele czasu kolejne firmy zdecydowały się wziąć udział w naszym przedsięwzięciu. Do grona srebrnych ...
7 October 2016

Nowy wystawca podczas konferencji- firma CANON

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Podczas konferencji na stoisku Canon będzie można zapoznać się z innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami dotyczącymi optymalizacji procesów biznesowych oraz ...
Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!
4 October 2016

Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the mobile app we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the ...
23 September 2016

Zdrowo do biura przyszłości

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Rynek biurowy przechodzi duże transformacje. Zarówno dojazd do biura jak i aranżacja miejsca pracy mają duży wpływ na działalność firmy. Dlatego też ...
23 September 2016

7 Edycja konferencji zdobywa coraz większe wsparcie

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Miło nam poinformować, że 7. Konferencja Polski Rynek Biurowy- Trendy i Prognozy zdobywa coraz większe uznanie w branży, a tym samym wsparcie sponsorów. ...
10 August 2016

Meet a developer.

Are you wondering where to meet an office space developer? We will tell you – at the 7th Polish Office Market Conference: Trends and Outlook for Poland. In this edition we are supported by a group of leading developers. Gold Sponsor of the Conference – Echo Investment, Contents Partner – Torus, Silver Sponsors: Skanska, Vastint and Immofinanz, ...
10 August 2016

Don’t lose health in the office.

We all know how much we focus on our senses and how much we rely on them. Eyesight is one of the most important ones for us. Why do we often neglect it, which particularly occurs in our workplace?  Appropriate lighting developed in accordance with the latest technology can not only make work more pleasant but it can also have a positive influence on our health. ...
Innovative office design as a way to success.
10 August 2016

Innovative office design as a way to success.

Come and sit comfortably on office furniture of Bene, which is a Partner of the Networking Zone and will arrange the business talk area during our conference. The philosophy of Bene defines an office as one of living spaces and it emphasizes that there is a clear connection between office equipment, work environment, company’s culture and its success. ...
The 30th Annual Property Market Convention

The 30th Annual Property Market Convention

December 10th, 2024,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24 ,Warsaw,


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
W co, gdzie, z kim grać i ile postawić? O inwestycjach, globalnych trendach i najlepszych magazynach

W co, gdzie, z kim grać i ile postawić? O inwestycjach, globalnych trendach i najlepszych magazynach

7 listopada 2024,Restauracja Belvedere, Nowa Oranżeria, Agrykola 1, Warszawa,
The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook
Sound Garden Hotel
Żwirki i Wigury 18, 02-092 Warsaw