Eurobuild’s 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook took place in a time that will be remembered as filled with events that took place exclusively online. This event was no exception and therefore we are very grateful to the guests who accepted our invitation to take part in this virtual meeting, that they found time for us, and were willing to share their expert knowledge.
These experts gave us their insights into the current state and the future of the office sector, while the recurring theme of when we might return to conditions similar to those that prevailed before the pandemic was never far away during the discussion. Developers, investors and managers are still waiting for ‘business as usual’ to resume and it’s in the interests of each of these three parties that offices start to fill up again. According to labour market consultancy Hays, 89 pct of employees want to make at least a partial return to their offices. No one has a crystal ball for seeing into the future, but the belief that this return to the office could happen over the next few months seemed to be held by everyone present.
We would like to thank the speakers for their contributions and, as has become our custom recently, we have provided a few screenshots of the event. A full summary of the conference will be published soon in Eurobuild magazine and on our website. We wish everyone continuing good health and invite you all to participate in future events organised by Eurobuild. The next of these is to take place in July – our ‘Suits on Bikes’ cycle ride, aimed at encouraging changes in the commuting habits of office workers by popularising cycling to and from work. So we hope to see you all then!