Brainstorm – a new discussion for our online conference

5 May 2021

This last year has been a time of many changes, presenting considerable challenges for every business. In such a situation, it’s best to turn to the sector’s main experts and major players for their opinions and for inspiration, which is why Eurobuild CEE is launching a new online discussion format – on June 17th it will be time for us to Brainstorm!


The 12th Office Market Conference for Poland – Trends and Outlook for the first time will include a new discussion format. ‘Brainstorm’ will be based upon a unique kind of case study with the participation of an invited expert and the audience. In the first instalment of the new format, we will try to find the best solution to a hypothetical (but potentially very real) problem related to renting an office during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic world. In this discussion we will analyse the options for the company, taking a closer look at different cities, locations, buildings, office amenities and formats, as well as considering the number of employees, future recruitment and the system of work. We also will find out about the latest strategies, challenges and trends in the office market. And all this with the participation of the online audience – you will be able to take an active part in the discussion by submitting your own suggestions and expressing opinions via the web chat.


Therefore, we would like to invite you to take part in our very first ‘Brainstorm’, which will take place on June 17th at 10:50. The main guest of Tomasz Cudowski, the editor-in-chief of Eurobuild CEE magazine, will be Joanna Blumert, an associate and head of occupier services in the office agency at Cushman & Wakefield. In order not to miss out on this discussion, all you need to do is register via the conference website – we highly recommend that you do so!



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